California Shakespeare Theater has announced its 2008 summer season, and like this season, it's two Shakespeares and two non-Shakespeares.Pericles by William Shakespeare runs May 28 through June 22, directed by Joel Sass.An Ideal Husband by Oscar Wilde runs July 2 through 27, directed by Jonathan Moscone.Uncle Vanya by Anton Chekhov runs Aug. 6-31, directed by Timothy Near.Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare runs Sept. 10 through Oct. 5, directed by Mark Rucker."This is a perfect gem of a seas -- dynamic in scope and style, coupling Shakespeare's greatest, deepest comedy with his wildest and wooliest romance,'' said artistic director Moscone in a statement. "And Wilde and Chekhov both bring such elegance and passion, wit and depth."For information about Cal Shakes visit


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`Purple’ prose